How to know if you are menopausal? HRT versus Alternative Remedies for relief of systems?
Measure how you are feeling against common factors affecting Menopause;
Are you over age over 40?
Have your periods ceased or become irregular?
Have you had your ovaries removed?

Have you had a hysterectomy?
Do you suffer from hot flushes during the day or at night?

Do you suffer night sweats?
Do you cry for no particular reason?

Have you become moody / temperamental?
Are you feeling more depressed, isolated, or withdrawn?

Are you experiencing more headaches than usual?
Do you have reduced sex drive or pain with intercourse?

Do you have difficulty remembering or retaining information?
Are you experiencing more body aches in general?
If you can 'tick' 5 or more of these questions then I would recommend that you contact your local Menopausal Clinic or your GP.
I somehow missed this; I was only 43 – 44, too young for menopause, I thought, I was working, in New Zealand, at the time, stressed to the max. I was wandering around in this fog/cotton wool on the brain. I was getting migraines not just weekly, 2 – 3 times a week.
In discussion with my best mate one day – she regaled this story about a woman she knew that had similar symptoms to mine; she was diagnosed with a brain tumour and died a couple months later. Perfect…
I went to the local health shop – she gave me vitamins, advising a visit to the doctor as she thought my symptoms indicated a possible Thyroid problem, another Perfect...
So with due diligence, off I trundled to my local GP – we’ve know each other for years, our children all went to school together and he also knows my best mate really well. I told him my ‘stories’. We both decided that I was not going to die from a brain tumour in a couple months, but he decided to do a work up of bloods.
RESULTS: Menopause. Due to the fact that at 40 I had a hysterectomy, I had early onset. He couldn’t tell me when, but my estrogen levels were such that I was definitely in ‘Menopause’. Relief I suppose, ruled out the brain tumour for sure, thyroid too, but I still had the ‘hung over’ feeling, how was going to get relief from this?

Menopause by “Beverley Lawton General Practitioner, researcher and a Past President of the Australasian Menopause Society, at the time was a life saver, I was not going insane, I was just menopausal. She covered topics that relate to menopausal woman globally, it is full of symptoms, tips to help relieve and she provides good, sound research data that also pertains to world wide findings. Read more here;
So what was Menopause doing to my lifestyle? For me at that time, my symptoms were severe; I wanted / needed instant relief. I needed to be able to function as normally as possible again. I have for three years now taken HRT; there are studies now and then that show/ed;
For many women suffering moderate to severe symptoms of menopause, the benefits of HRT are likely to outweigh the risks.

Of the alternatives to HRT, black cohosh appears to be the most effective option, and is also among the cheapest.
Health authorities have warned women to avoid using bio-identical or 'natural' hormones.

Clinical trials in China have found that Chinese herbal medicines are effective at reducing the symptoms of menopause, but there's no "one-size-fits-all" remedy.
There was also an article on the web in January 2009 relating to bullet point 4;
“Did You Know Oprah Winfrey is on Bio-identical Hormones?”
“Oprah Winfrey says menopause caught her "off guard" and that she's taking bio-identical hormones that have made a big improvement in how she feels.” More on this article here;
The upshot is, because my menopausal systems are now under control, due the risk, however small or large, I decided that I no longer wished to put prescription medicines in my body if I can help my systems ‘naturally’.

For myself I've found this to be absolutely great, I get no 'hot flushes', 'cotton wool brain, or migraines since I've introducted this into my system. Woman who choose alternative remedies, find good results incorporating into their diets all-natural ingredients like folic acid, Vitamin B 12, St. John's Wort and Valeriana -- as well as plant-derived estrogen alternatives like extracts of Licorice, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Soy and Vitex Agnus Castus (chaste berry), can help addresses the needs of premenopausal, menopausal, and post menopausal women.
Selected Benefits:
PMS and menopause maintenance system*
Hormone and estrogen support*
Natural answer to mood change, irritability and lack of energy*
For optimum support, VitaWoman is supercharged with EnZact 77k™, our exclusive enzymatic activation and delivery system.*
We as women have fought so hard for pro-choice in all aspects of our lives. This is another area whereby we have options, choices and remember there is no 'cure' as such - menopause is not a disease.
Your health and wellbeing is important to me.Julie McClelland
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.